_gcl_au Cookie: What is It & What Does it Do?

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What is the _gcl_au Cookie?

The _gcl_au cookie is a third-party cookie set by Google Ads. It plays a significant role in tracking and measuring the performance of advertising campaigns. This cookie is used to store and track conversions, making it an essential tool for marketers who rely on data to optimize their ad spend and improve campaign effectiveness.

Purpose and Functionality

The primary purpose of the _gcl_au cookie is to help advertisers measure the success of their ad campaigns. It tracks user interactions with ads and records these interactions for analysis. By doing so, it provides valuable insights into how users engage with ads, which ads are most effective, and where improvements can be made.

Key Functions:

  • Conversion Tracking: Helps measure actions taken by users after interacting with ads.
  • Attribution: Assigns credit to different touchpoints in the user’s journey.
  • Optimization: Provides data to enhance ad targeting and performance.

When a user clicks on a Google ad, the _gcl_au cookie is set in their browser. This cookie stores a unique identifier that links the click to the subsequent actions the user takes on the advertiser’s website. If the user completes a conversion, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form, the _gcl_au cookie records this event.

Technical Details:

  • Storage Duration: Typically stored for 90 days.
  • Data Collection: Collects information about ad interactions and conversions.
  • Interaction with Other Tools: Works in conjunction with Google Analytics and other marketing platforms to provide comprehensive tracking and reporting.

Privacy and Compliance Considerations

With increasing scrutiny on data privacy, it’s essential for organizations to understand the compliance requirements related to the _gcl_au cookie. Regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have specific provisions concerning user consent and data transparency.

Compliance Best Practices:

  • User Consent: Ensure users are informed about the use of cookies and obtain their consent before setting cookies in their browsers.
  • Transparency: Clearly disclose the use of the _gcl_au cookie in your privacy policy.
  • Data Minimization: Only collect and store data that is necessary for the intended purpose.
  • User Rights: Provide users with options to manage their cookie preferences and access their data.


Understanding the _gcl_au cookie is vital for privacy professionals and CISOs tasked with ensuring compliance and protecting user privacy. By comprehensively tracking ad interactions and conversions, this cookie provides invaluable data for optimizing marketing efforts. However, it is equally important to adhere to privacy regulations and implement best practices to maintain transparency and user trust.

In a landscape where data privacy is paramount, staying informed about the tools and technologies that impact user data is crucial. The _gcl_au cookie, while beneficial for advertising, must be managed responsibly to align with regulatory requirements and safeguard user privacy.

If your business isn’t sure if it has crossed the privacy line or if you do collect private details like PII, get in touch with Captain Compliance today for a 100% free consultation.

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